Our heated garments tested by Paul Romain, outdoor photographer

Paul Romain is a photographer and outdoor enthusiast. Originally from the Chamonix Mont-Blanc valley, his love of the mountains and all they have to offer was awakened at an early age. From mountaineering to paragliding, from freeride skiing to rock climbing, Paul has been involved in all these activities on a daily basis from an early age. As a child, he was even a top-level ice climber!

Paul put three of our heated garments to the test this winter: heated undergloves, ULTRALIGHT heated insoles and OUTDOOR V2 heated socks. He tells us more about his experience with our heated garments and his relationship with the mountains and the cold!

The most exhilarating moment in the mountains?

The last few meters of a climb, when you know you're going to make it and reach the summit. Those last few meters give me a feeling of mountain intoxication, it's very intense. You think back to all the means you used to get here, and it fills you with happiness.

At that moment, when you look at your rope-mate, you don't even need to speak to make yourself understood. It's a unique feeling that I wish everyone could experience. 

Your biggest scare in the mountains? 

A few years ago, my buddy Paul Lucci and I were preparing the race list for the mountain guide. We got caught up in some kind of avalanche while traversing "Naïa", a large glacier route on the Aiguille Verte. It was a mistake that could have been avoided, we just didn't listen to the mountain that day. More fear than harm, and at least it was instructive. Now we're learning more about listening to the mountain. 

An episode where the cold was particularly disabling?

It was during a caving trip with my friend Yannick Baux. We'd spent the day in some underground basins. A few dozen hours later, we emerged from the hole at an altitude of almost 2,000 meters, soaked in neoprene and without a change of clothes, to make our way back to the car, a forty-minute walk away. We were completely soaked at -15 degrees, snow up to our thighs, and at night!

It's one of the moments that stuck with me the most. I realized that if one of us hurt his ankle or had any other kind of problem, the cold could quickly become very dangerous. 

What's the difference since G-Heat ?

For outdoor enthusiasts who spend a lot of time in the mountains, it's an effective solution that protects us from frostbite and other consequences of the cold. And that's no mean feat for those of us who spend 6 days out of 7 in the cold. 

Discover our collections :

Our collection of heated ski clothing.

Our collection of heated ski gloves